White Matlack

White Matlack (7 October 1745; Haddonfield, New Jersey – 7 January 1824) was a New York Quaker and abolitionist, and a brother of Timothy Matlack.

He married Mary Hawhurst[1] on 6 March 1768.[2] They had four children; White, Timothy, Mary, and Hannah.[3]

White was a watchmaker and silversmith in New York City from around 1769 to 1775. In 1775, he also worked in Philadelphia.[4] Then he ran a brewery located not far from the Fraunces Tavern. By the 1780s he moved into steel manufacturing.[5]

In 1782, he and Isaac Howell signed a document titled The memorial and remonstrance of Isaac Howell and White Matlack, in behalf of themselves, and others, who have been disowned by the people called Quakers, &c.[6] White and his brother Timothy had been disowned by Orthodox Quakers for their support of the American Revolution. They formed a group with others called the Society of Free Quakers.[7]

In 1786, he signed a letter to the Senate and assembly of the State of New York, against the shipping of African slaves through the port of New York.[5]

Three years later he became a member of the New York Manumission Society. In 1787, the society founded the African Free School.

He died at Bay Side, near Flushing[8] on Long Island, aged 80.[9]


  1. ^ Some sources have Hawxhurst
  2. ^ O'Callaghan, E. B. (1860). "Names of Persons for whom MARRIAGE LICENSES Were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York Previous to 1784.". Weed, Parsons and Company. p. 175. http://www.threerivershms.com/marriageH.htm. Retrieved 2009-08-25. 
  3. ^ http://boards.ancestry.myfamily.com/surnames.matlack/92.2/mb.ashx
  4. ^ Voss, Wm Erik (2005). "White Matlack". Rootsweb. Retrieved 2009-08-25. 
  5. ^ a b George Washington Miniature History Detectives
  6. ^ [1]
  7. ^ Harker, John Balderston (2004). "Chapter 6: Betsy Ross, Quaker Rebel". Betsy Ross's Five Pointed Star. http://mybetsyross.com/chapter6.html. 
  8. ^ "MATLOCK-MEDLOCK DEATH RECORDS AND OBITS". http://www.ba044ancestry.com/MATLOCKMISC/DeathRecordsandObits/NewYorkDeathRecordsandObits.htm. Retrieved 2009-08-25. 
  9. ^ Jervey, Elizabeth Heyward (Jan., 1954). "Marriage and Death Notices from the City Gazette of Charleston (Continued)". The South Carolina Historical Magazine (South Carolina Historical Society) 55 (1): 48–51. JSTOR 27565947. "Died on Long Island, near New York, White Matlack, Esq. a patriot of the Revolution, aged 80." 

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